I Once Was Miss America, by Roxane Gay is a piece of writing that I believe many young girls can relate to, as I once did. She talks about these two twin sisters who are known as the most beautiful and most popular of the school in the Sweet Valley High Series that Gay would read as a young girl. While growing up and being in middle school, I had believed that it was important to be one of those popular girls and being part of that “clique” but eventually and thankfully I realized that’s not very important. Just as Roxane had said in her writing, “there is nothing more desperate and unrequited than the love an unpopular girl nurtures for the cool kids”. Basically, everyone just wants to be able to fit in but we grow up realizing that we just don’t fit in with certain groups of people, yes we may be different but in the end it all works out. As for Gay she thought that telling these kids that would mess with her that she would end up being Miss America, her way up standing up for herself which actually back fired. But little did all those kids know was that gay would end up being a successful writer who would go on to accept an Oscar and live a very fulfilling life without being “one of the popular girls”.